
Dilip Simeon
Dilip Simeon is the chairperson of the AMAN and also a senior fellow at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library in Delhi. Earlier he taught history at the University of Delhi. He has been active in democratic and anti-communal mobilisation for past many years and was a founding member of the Sampradayikta Virodhi Andolan (Struggle Against Communalism). He has published extensively in leading journals and newspaper and had also authored a book titled The Politics of Labour Under Late Colonialism: Workers, Trade Unions and the State in Chota Nagpur, 1928-1939, Manohar Publications.

Late Farooque Sheikh
Lt. Farooque Sheikh is a well-known theatre and film actor. He had keen interest in social and political issues and had been a vocal supporter of anti-communal struggles.

Kavita Panjabi
Kavita Panjabi teaches at the Department of Comparative Literature, and in the School of Women’s Studies, at Jadavpur University, Kolkata. She has done extensive research on feminist political struggle in the third world and women in the Tebhaga and Naxalite movements, and her special interests are in the fields of Latin American Literatures and Critical, Cross-Cultural and Feminist Theory. She is currently chairperson of the NCERT Focus Group on Gender Issues in Education for the National Curriculum Review, has been active in anti-communal movements and democratic movements in India, and is co-author of a report on communal violence in Gujarat The Next Generation: In the Wake of the Genocide – A Report on the Impact of the Gujarat Pogrom on Children and the Young; editor of the anthology, Nostalgia for the Future in Latin American Literatures; and author of a Pakistan Diary entitled Old Maps and New: Legacies of the Partition.

Rajshree Dasgupta
Rajashri Dasgupta was the Editor, Kolkata. She has been involved with the women ‘s and peace movements for many years. She was special interest in issues relating to gender, health, development.

Satyakam Joshi
Satyakam Joshi is senior fellow at the Centre for Social Studies in Surat. He is also a Trustee of the leading Gandhian educational institute, the Gram Seva Samaj. He has worked extensively on Panchayati Raj Institutions, issues related to tribal and dalit identities and informal labour. He has conducted several training workshops with elected members of the Panchayati Raj institutions. His publication include Panchayati Raj: Smajik Nyay Samiti onu sasktikran, (In Gujrati), July 2002, Centre for Social Studies, Surat.

Urvashi Butalia
Urvashi Butalia has been involved with the women’s movement for many years and is the founder of the leading feminist publishing house in India Zubaan. Apart from many articles and papers leading newspapers and journals, she has written and edited two books The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India (Viking Penguin and Duke University Press) and Speaking Peace: Women’s Voices from Kashmir (Kaliand Zed Books, London).